Our Story
Math Sense for Children was motivated by the recognition that math is not taught well in this country. From the youngest age, the focus is on arithmetic - which is a subset of math - rather than on understanding math. Math is a big word; math permeates our lives; math helps us make sense of the world. In order to truly grasp math, a child has to learn about it in a big way; a child has to develop what I call, "math sense."
Math sense is about ideas and concepts, not about adding numbers.
Too many children fail to ever "get it" when it comes to math. This is not because they cannot do math; it is because they are not given the tools, they are not taught math in the big way. Rather, they are taught to do calculations and solve mostly pointless math problems.
In order for math to make sense, and in order for children to be interested in math, it must relate to their lives. Fortunately, life is full of math. Math is everywhere if you look for it, and it is fun and facsinating and compelling.