From Zero to Infinity
Nothing (zero) and everything/endless (infinity)

Concept of Zero 0

What: Understanding zero both as a placeholder in numbers and as a quantity representing "nothing"
Why: Critical for place value understanding and performing calculations accurately
How does it help: Builds understanding of number relationships and the role of placeholders

Geometric patterns form the foundation of many mathematical principles and can be observed in various forms:

  • Regular polygons and their properties
  • Tessellations and surface coverings
  • Symmetry in natural and man-made objects
  • Fractal patterns and self-similarity
Geometric Pattern Example

Understanding Infinity

What: Exploring the concept of numbers that go on forever without end
Why: Develops abstract thinking and understanding of limitless mathematical concepts
How does it help: Expands mathematical thinking beyond concrete numbers

There are several types of symmetry in mathematics:

  • Reflection symmetry (flip)
  • Rotational symmetry (turn)
  • Translational symmetry (slide)
  • Point symmetry
Symmetry Examples

Number Line Activities

What: Exercises placing numbers on a line to show their relationships and order
Why: Helps visualize number relationships and operations like addition and subtraction
How does it help: Creates visual and spatial understanding of number relationships

Tessellations can be created using:

  • Regular polygons
  • Irregular shapes
  • Transformed shapes
  • Combined patterns
Tessellation Examples

Limitless Numbers

What: How numbers continue infinitely in both positive and negative directions
Why: Builds understanding of the endless nature of numbers and mathematical possibilities
How does it help: Develops abstract thinking and understanding of number continuity

Famous examples of fractals include:

  • The Mandelbrot Set
  • Koch Snowflake
  • Sierpinski Triangle
  • Dragon Curve
Fractal Examples